Sixth Grade



Our Middle School Humanities program is a novel-based curriculum centered on Literature, Social Studies, History, Art, and Religion content. These concepts are woven together throughout the year. In 6th grade, students concentrate on ancient civilizations and how societies are created. They will read a variety of novels including: Bud Not Buddy, The Lightning Thief, and The Red Pyramid. They will also read a selection of poetry and other short works, and will learn about current events using the Scholastic News curriculum. In 6th Grade Humanities, we focus on applying the elements of the novels we read in our writing. Their writing pieces will reflect a variety of forms including: poetry, narratives, informative/explanatory essays, among other styles of writing throughout the year. 6th-grade students will also work on grammar, mechanics, and spelling skills throughout the year.


In 6th grade math,students begin the year with the concepts of ratios and percent, before extending their computation skills to include all operations with fractions & decimals. Student understanding of the number line is also extended, as they explore rational numbers (positive & negative numbers) and how they can be compared and ordered. Sixth grade students begin learning pre-algebra with work on algebraic expressions and equations, and geometric concepts of surface area and volume are also introduced. Throughout this coursework, emphasis is placed on finding multiple strategies for solving a problem and on the idea that all people can learn math.
Our Grade 6 math curriculum is Eureka Math Squared.


Science at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School offers students the unique opportunity to delve into the wonders of the natural world, while integrating skills learned in math and language arts. The curriculum focuses on project-based learning with an emphasis on inquiry and hands-on activities. Projects and labs follow Next Generation Science Standards while engaging students through the process of exploration and engineering. Students master the art of collaboration and working through problems together to understand life's mysteries and scientific questions.


We start by developing a foundational understanding of the Bible and Catholic faith. Throughout the year we will focus on the Old Testament and our calling as beings made in God’s image.