Fees and Registration


2024-2025 School Year Fees

  Kids Club (PS-PK) Extended Care (Kindergarten - 8th Grade)
Annual Registration Fee $30 for one child
$50 for two or more children
$30 for one child
$50 for two or more children
Registered Students
Pick Up by 3pm (yearly tuition)
-One day per week yearly tuition: $750 ($75/month) 
-Two days per week: $1500 ($150/month) 
-Three days per week: $2250 ($225/month) 
-Four days per week: $3000 ($300/month) 
-Five days per week $3750 ($375/month)
Pick Up by 6pm (yearly tuition)
-One day per week: $1,750 ($175/month) 
-Two days per week: $3,500 ($350/month) 
-Three days per week: $5,250 ($525/month)
-Four days per week: $7,000 ($700/month) 
-Five days per week $8,750 ($875/month) 
$8.50/hour (or any part of an hour)

$42.50/day max (e.g. no school and summer care days)
Non-Registered Students Using Kids Club on a drop-in basis is fine, if there are spots available. Please contact the school office to check if there is space. Drop in fee is $45 per day for 3pm pick up and $75 for 6pm pick up. $10.50/hour (or any part of an hour)

$52.50/day max (e.g. no school and summer care days)
Late Pick Up Fee $1/minute for late pick up $1/minute after 6:00 pm
Monthly Late Fee $25 per month $25 per month